Comments - Older Guides > Call of the Forsaken

The Barb


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hectic fight for what we brought. Our setup was warrior (non boxed) / chanter (non boxed) / mage/ mage/ ranger (those three boxed by me) + mercs of course. There are multiple unmezzable adds in the room but the minos, and I believe the golems can be mezzed.

Due to his compliant lurch / knockback mechanic though you are going to have to deal with the adds in one way or another, adds that cannot be mezzed CAN be rooted / snared though. But you will have to kill a few mobs prior to engage (fast) and then engage him, everything in his room repops in a few minutes.

If you ignore his compliant lurch / pushback abilities it causes his health to lock frequently - this can drag the fight out quite a bit so it's best to just let those abilities push and pull you without moving when it happens.


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