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Gamparse and Bard Alliance

Started by Mikesch, April 12, 2021, 08:35:16 AM

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I tried to find the damage from Bard Alliance of sticks and Stones,
in my logfile the damage is there, assigned to the Bard that cast the alliance,
in Gamparse the damage caused from that specific Bard doesn't contain the damage from the Alliance. So I wonder if that damage is added somewere or is just dropped.
For example (name of Bard deleted)

[Sun Apr 11 20:51:05 2021] xxx hit Jortreva the Crusader for 3042015 points of magic damage by Resolution of Broken Bones III Caza.
[Sun Apr 11 20:51:27 2021] xxx hit Jortreva the Crusader for 3042015 points of magic damage by Resolution of Broken Bones III Caza.
[Sun Apr 11 20:52:00 2021] xxx hit Jortreva the Crusader for 3042015 points of magic damage by Resolution of Broken Bones III Caza.
But looking at the Bard's spells and discs, Breakdowns or charts doesn't show the damage caused or the song itself.

anyone able to explain that or anyone with a workaround for that?