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An Epic Request (Warrior)

Started by Riou, March 11, 2013, 06:39:08 AM

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Is there a trick to surviving the last step when taunting/kicking suteng? Ive failed 4 times now even burning discs and healing pots! Any advice is greatly appreciated:)


Quote from: duke on March 16, 2013, 12:39:51 PM
Is there a trick to surviving the last step when taunting/kicking suteng? Ive failed 4 times now even burning discs and healing pots! Any advice is greatly appreciated:)

Not sure, the only time I've heard that he hits too hard to handle (like 35k hits at 100) is if you take too long on the skeletons. It could be a problem with your toon's AA being able to riposte the skeletons and kicking them to mess up the disarm, or twinproccing the bash/taunt/kick/disarm procs on the mob messing up order slowing it down too


I've attempted this 4 times so far at level 85, and I get through all of the steps without any big problems, but after I finish killing all of the skeletons, Suteng just stands there doing nothing.

The mobs he was fighting disappear, and only the first 2 mobs in the instance are dead on the ground. Suteng stands there, KOS, and I can't taunt, attack, kick, disarm, hail or anything.


Thx will try to bee quicker on skellies and see what happens


I appreciate the info RIOU...i actually reset my aa's to take away the riposte and twinproc stuff and it did help ALOT with the skellies...i was able to disarm each one on the first try. I also think Suteng hits harder if you have a dmg shield so i removed it before time for him. Unfortunately those changes didn't help much and i've now failed about 10 times. I'm beginning to wonder if other buffs might affect how he hits...but i've tried about everything and still no luck. If you get any further info on it i would appreciate any advice at all. Thanks!


hey Bunta714 i have heard other folks talk about it locking up on them your not the only one...petition it is only thing i know to tell ya bro.


I was having the same problem you guys were. ONLY USE TAUNT AND KICK! Finally figured it out after losing 1% of my level.


my friend told me u have to built up a large amount of argo to get the update on suteng, u have to use all aa skill to increase the hatred b4 u die. i have try but my aa skill is limited so maybe i ahve to get more aa b4 i try it again


ok finally done on suteng
there is a tricky that it will slash you 30k when your hp is lower than around 70 or 60%, so you use taunt, kick and jeek to build aggro, because suteng cannot summon, you can just taunt kick jeek then run around to prevent getting hit, keep repeat and use potion you can pop rallos and get the update


Can anyone tell me what the trick to fighting the wraith is? I've tried this quest 9 times and failed every single time. I disarm the wraith and start killing it, but it dies way too slow, almost so slow it seems futile to attempt anything, because I die so fast it's insane. It actually kills me a lot faster after I disarm it than before and I seem to do less damage to it after disarming than before it, because it ticks 1% at a time, even with some decent hits by the sword. Lowest I've gotten it is 88% and I'm told 75% is my destination, there has to be something omitted, because nothing is mentioned here or Alla that seems to address the problem. In fact: I'm not the only one, some on Alla encountered similar problems, we can't seem to figure out why it's having this problem, unless it's bugged, since all the posts about it that I've seen were in April and May.



To shed some light on this mission for everyone..
1) After grabbing the sword on the ground, shoot down the gargoyle with bow/throwing.

2) Use the above mentioned Kick > Taunt > Disarm on the first gargoyle phase. Dps it down to 75%. It will take the sword back and fly back into the air.

3) Shoot down the gargoyle again, this time use Bash > Taunt > Disarm. (Read the emotes, this is 100% Accurate, dont waste 15 minutes straight trying to kick/taunt/disarm it again like i did)

4) Go through watching the ogres, then undead will spawn and charge you. You can TAKE YOUR TIME with this, dont stress about hurrying to kill like everyone mentions. It means nothing. Use the above mentioned Bash > Taunt > Kick > Disarm, then melee it down as normal.

5) THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART that no one seems to understand. All of these skeletons DROP BANDAGES. Loot them all. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

6) After all skeletons have died, the ogre will charge you for the last time, hitting decently. Only use TAUNT AND KICK. Don't go crazy on taunt and kick, you CAN take your time. What I did was I used bind wound everytime I reached 90%. As long as your hp doesnt drop to 80%(guessing) or below, he WILL NOT HIT YOU FOR 30K+. The bind wounds will instantly heal you for 10k+. Instantly.

7) Enjoy winning EASILY and not dying over and over again because people dont realize you dont have to spam any discs or abilities. Just use bind wound..


This is a great walkthrough, ...
with some amendments needed ...
first line all caps ...


Bind Wound is supercharged during this expedition and grants full health INSTANTLY !

Quote from: Offense-Vox on March 13, 2014, 03:22:21 AM

To shed some light on this mission for everyone..
1) After grabbing the sword on the ground, shoot down the gargoyle with bow/throwing.

2) Use the above mentioned Kick > Taunt > Disarm on the first gargoyle phase. Dps it down to 75%. It will take the sword back and fly back into the air.

3) Shoot down the gargoyle again, this time use Bash > Taunt > Disarm. (Read the emotes, this is 100% Accurate, dont waste 15 minutes straight trying to kick/taunt/disarm it again like i did)

4) Go through watching the ogres, then undead will spawn and charge you. You can *TAKE YOUR TIME* with this, dont stress about hurrying to kill like everyone mentions. It means nothing. Use the above mentioned Bash > Taunt > Kick > Disarm, then melee it down as normal.

* Take your time but dont waste time. After a certain time elapses if you fail to kill all the skeletons, those that remain will attack you all at once along with the Ogre, this is really only an issue if you try to kite to stall for time and use heal potions, bring plenty of bandages and take skeletons down as they come one at time *

5) THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART that no one seems to understand. All of these skeletons DROP BANDAGES. Loot them all. THIS IS IMPORTANT.

* Equip epic weaponry for final encounter to avoid massive damage and death *

6) After all skeletons have died, the ogre will charge you for the last time, hitting decently. Only use TAUNT AND KICK. Don't go crazy on taunt and kick, you CAN take your time. What I did was I used bind wound everytime I reached 90%. As long as your hp doesnt drop to 80%(guessing) or below, he WILL NOT HIT YOU FOR 30K+. The bind wounds will instantly heal you for 10k+. Instantly.

7) Enjoy winning EASILY and not dying over and over again because people dont realize you dont have to spam any discs or abilities. Just use bind wound..


Is anyone familiar with the epic retelling for warrior? I can't find much info on how to do it. The only thing I found was the clue "flawless combatant "


Quote from: duke on July 26, 2017, 01:02:02 AM
Is anyone familiar with the epic retelling for warrior? I can't find much info on how to do it. The only thing I found was the clue "flawless combatant "

I believe that means to not fail a single one of the taunts and bashes and kicks and etc sections, basically do the entire quest the script way instead of brute forcing any single part of it
