Comments - DBs > Achievements

Takish-Hiz Explorer


EQResource Achievements:
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By picking a Single Boss target at any setting you will get the name of the boss you need to kill in the adventure window. Just attribute the name to the layout to the rare and cycle through the adventures until you get the one you need.

You also need to take in consideration that some bosses share different zones.

Boss that share layout are marked with a *

-The Antiqued Palace: Master Maexon, Grand Librarian Enarel
-The Balancing Chamber: Chancellor Etometh, Lord Pasreet, Shadow Assassin Juni
-The Shifting Tower: Tempest, High Flowkeeper Meirgad, Queen Ederissa
-The Royal Observatory: Petroglyph, King Bohagord, Guard Captain Raston
Shared targets
-The Sunken Library: Prince Jerranad*, Deceiver Yerik, Master Architect Naida
-The Prismatic Corridors: The Great Summoning, Prince Jerranad*, Arch Priest Grylith*
-The River of Recollection: Zelifa Corollaire*, Arch Priest Grylith* The Keeper of the Tides
-The Sweeping Tides: Zelifa Corollaire*, Lord Pasreet, High Preservationist Dorjan*
-The Sandfall Corridors: Grilnir the Unrelenting*, High Preservationist Dorjan*, Vagrant Nalikad
-The Fading Temple: Grilnir the Unrelenting*, Sand Spirit of the South, Mistress Solavia

With the important caveat that, when requesting a dungeon, any of the last 5 dungeons that you have started will not be included in the possible dungeons you request next.


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