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Fight Fire

Started by Riou, December 09, 2018, 10:55:08 PM

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the 4 Lieutenants are agro linked. Makes it interesting, they're very resistant to root kinda stuff.


The Lock out is six hours. Not thirty minutes:(


Quote from: krushor on December 14, 2018, 06:41:23 PM
The Lock out is six hours. Not thirty minutes:(

Thanks, this has been updated


This is a real pain to try and complete especially if boxing - 4 yellow cons which cannot be separated and aggro you if you are on the same island as them. They can be mezzed but you can't just kill one as a single one keeps going inactive until you wake another one up.
The final kicker is you cannot progress without completing it; I'm already regreting paying for this expansion.
Any advice on a strategy here would be welcome...


Quote from: Battileur on December 15, 2018, 05:44:16 PM
This is a real pain to try and complete especially if boxing - 4 yellow cons which cannot be separated and aggro you if you are on the same island as them. They can be mezzed but you can't just kill one as a single one keeps going inactive until you wake another one up.
The final kicker is you cannot progress without completing it; I'm already regreting paying for this expansion.
Any advice on a strategy here would be welcome...

What classes are in your box team? I believe that none of the mobs Summon, so you could Kite them with instant dots or any instant range abilities. I don't think they have spell abilities they do to you, so you can basically kite them all day like this, I'm not sure if they are snare-able too to make the kiting easier


It's not too bad. I 2 boxed it with war/rog and 2 healer mercs. I subbed in a 108 druid (same account as rogue) for the last wave and used paralytic spray to root. Can beat them down one at a time, the one you're damaging goes inactive for a few seconds and clear debuffs a few times during the fight,but just stay on it until dead. First wave was 7 mobs, second wave was 5, took a while to get singles because I was using rogue to pull and escape to seperate them.
Both characters were RoS group geared.


There are Three waves
Mobs can be single pulled and can be mezzed by enchanter
Third wave starts as soon as second wave is dead
Tank uses Fort and Area Taunt to get all of them as the group knocks them down
If you wipe on third wave, have everyone med / buff outside with quest giver in Stratos
When Fort is back up , Tank goes in first, everyone else one second later
When Tank zones in, He will be Bumrushed by all Four or whatever is still left, Two sec after zoneing in
Tank uses Fort and Area Taunt again to get all agro as the group knocks them down


Quote from: Battileur on December 15, 2018, 05:44:16 PM
This is a real pain to try and complete especially if boxing - 4 yellow cons which cannot be separated and aggro you if you are on the same island as them. They can be mezzed but you can't just kill one as a single one keeps going inactive until you wake another one up.
The final kicker is you cannot progress without completing it; I'm already regreting paying for this expansion.
Any advice on a strategy here would be welcome...

No issues here boxing it with a chanter as main (with bst and druid + mercs). First part I did the talking then ran off a bit to the side and self stasis to clear the agro... after that they seemed to all be pull-able single using lull(or two and mez one to speed it up).

Second group of mobs added in some yellow cons but some blue cons too so lull still an option or mez / blur to get singles for my box group.

The final part I just pulled the 4 with the chanter kinda away from my box group then used beam of slumber to mez / root them all and then single target mezzed 3 of them. I kept 3 mezzed and just kept killing 1 until it died. It would deagro, but after a bit it would agro again and could be damaged. Was slow going but worked fine, then picked another target and kept the 2 mezzed... rinse repeat. I stuck with nukes / melle since the deagro also cleared dots off.


Duoed with SK and Necromancer.

First 12 mobs are easy enough - large aggro range, but can be snared and split. Not aggro linked. Armour mobs hit for up to a little over 30k (rarely), and I spotted some nasty quad 25k attacks now and again. EoK T2 geared SK handled these fine with two healer mercs and keeping to shield/1H.

For lieutenants (aggro linked), Necro rooted three of the mobs and then SK tagged the fourth. Necro kept linked adds rooted and we knocked them down one by one. Finished it first time with no deaths, so very manageable.


One added note - for the first part, when you do the talking to the mobs to make them start the task, there is a slight delay between when you say the word "battle" and the mobs agroing. So if you set up on the very side (I usually go to the left of the group of mobs from when you zone into instance) and target / talk to a mob on the very edge. If you get to max "talking" distance and then face away from the mobs towards the edge of the island. When you say the word "battle" you can immediately run away from the group of mobs and not get any agro which then lets you split pull them using other methods.


Been working on this as a 3 box with limited crowd control options. Clearing the first wave was pretty trivial with sk snare splitting.

When the last wave spawns make sure all party members are at least back beyond the first bridge. I cleared the top island to be safe but the Afro point seems to be the edge of the purple bridge at the top.

You can walk on the island while invis safely.

Mobs are snarable and it was pretty trivial to kite them with sk snares. My second box is a shaman so I parked him on the island to dot a mob while kiting. This works fairly well mobs don't summon most of the time (more on that later) I was able to kite for them down to 30% Then I nuked the first down with harm touch (full aa ht did 33%) on the second it was going well until the mob hit 1% then it summoned the sk and beat him down.

It is important to note that when you see " mob has been stunned" this clears all debuffs and more Important is an Agro reset. I had to put the shaman in totem mode for this stage each time or the stunned mob made a in snared bee line and whacked him before I could restablish agro. I've not managed to get all 4 down yet but progressing in that direction.
My third box is a mage and I had him sit out the fight up on the island to clean up wipes while working this out so he doesn't enter in. I assume a necropsy would be really good at this method with thier strong dots and fed capabilities but I don't run one.

I'd love to be able to do this fight fairly but there is no way I would be able to tank 4 yellow cons on my so in this expansion and with mage sky shaman I'm down to roots which I found unreliable or kiting.



Finally finished this with my pathetic non-raid box group. My group is a bard, chanter, and druid plus mercs (tank, caster, and healer). While I don't yet have all of the new merc AAs for the classes, I have a lot of them, and I invested in all of the new merc gear (yup, bought it from the bazaar). The first 15 mobs were easy enough. It was the final 4 mobs that killed part/all of my group on attempt after attempt.

What was most helpful is that if you are invis, the final 4 mobs are indifferent, so you can place your group where you want them before engaging the mobs. There is just enough time between the death of the last of the 15 mobs and the entry of the 4 linked mobs to cast 1 or 2 buffs, then invis up the group. The mobs will line up facing where you zoned in. I put the chanter to the side of the mobs and mez'd them from there. The chanter mez is like a rectangle - side to side is more narrow than front to back.

If you run into trouble, you can exodus with the druid, and that brings you to the next big island over, along with erasing agro. If any char died, you can invis up to run over and drag the body back to the safe island. You can rez and rebuff there, then invis up, go back, and try again. After trying all of the various root and mez spells and AAs from the druid, chanter, and bard, I finally succeeded by sitting right next to all of the mobs, spamming Perplexing Wave (rank 2), and picking off the mobs one by one. As needed, I succored/exodused the group out, which was pretty much after each kill of the first 3 mobs. Djinn were more resistant to the mez than armor guys, so I killed the djinn first.


Update on my previous post I was able to complete this with my earlier method, I actually added a fourth slot and leveled a necro specially to try and it works very well. I've managed to clear this 4 times now with snare kiting with a sk. The last phase is easily doable with just a sk and a necro. Sk snares and kites after agro is established dot up the mob and fd the necro when the agro resets or his agro gets too high. Ht at 30% fd sk and necro and repeat. The process takes about 12 to 15minutes per kite so after a quick break I usually start the next with 13 or so min left on ht cool down.


Could some kind person list the rare evolving drops that you can get from this mission please...


Djarn's Tarnished Amethyst Ring
Tattered White Satin Gloves
Threadbare Weighted Tabard
Torn Efreeti Boots


As a Necro, I can solo this mission. The first 12 are pretty much split and pet tank. I have not tried to root/rot. You do have to watch, when you split, sometimes there will be a mob or two that path down toward Grieving Soul and sit there. They do not return to their original spot. I just punt/root any adds when necessary.

On the last four, I learned the hard way and advice from a guild member, you can only take one at a time. Keep the others rooted and pick them off one at a time. My first three attempts I tried to spread the dot love around and when they would wipe out buffs they sometimes would wipe root which was putting two to three mobs running loose and my refresh timer on PP was not ready. Pets die, clerics die, it made for an unhappy ending.. :'(


For those after the achievements:

Habitation - Kill both Lieutenants before killing either of the armors.  Once both Lieutenants are dead, they forcefully inhabit the armors. You can crowd control or off root the armors to split, to make it easier to kill.

Fire Free Zone - Kill both Lieutenants quick enough before they do any ability.

Uninhabited - Kill both armors before either of the Lieutenants. You can crowd control or off root the Lieutenants to split, to make it easier to kill.