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EQResource Contest - Paladin Desktop Light: Sept 24 - Oct 6

Started by Rorce, September 24, 2024, 11:29:17 PM

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Our Sponsor and friends over at Timber & Twine have been kind enough to gift us enough EverQuest inspired products to run contests every 2 weeks for the remainder of 2024!

They've asked us to spread the word that at the end of 2024 they will be discontinuing their Wooden LED Sign line of products to focus on creating new EQ inspired items.  Starting in 2025 they will no longer offer the Wooden LED Sign products - don't miss your opportunity to get one of these if you've been waiting!  For the remainder of 2024 you can use promo code EQRESOURCE at checkout for 10% off your entire order

EQResource Contest -  Paladin Desktop Light

For this contest we would like to know - what is your favorite zone in EverQuest?  What is it about the zone that makes it your favorite?  The zone features, the memories made there? Tell us as much as you would like to!  This is a simple post to win contest, so you can post as much or as little as you'd like.  Your odds of winning remain the same regardless of how much or how little you post - but it's more fun if we get all the details!

The Rules -

- Due to us having to pay for physical shipping of rewards, this contest is only open to folks in the U.S. Sorry!
- Your entry should be a reply to the contest thread.
- Write as much or as little as you like.
- Only one entry per person, per contest.
- At the end of the contest all entries will be numbered and a winner will be chosen at random.
- The contest ends on October 6th at 11:59pm Pacific, and a winner will be announced by October 8th.

The Prize -

(1) Paladin class emblem Acrylic Desktop Light / Night Light.  Note: This item is new, but has a chip in the bottom corner (visible in image)

This contest is sponsored by Timber & Twine!  Be sure to check out their Etsy shop!
Rorce the Failboat Captain


Favorite zone is Umbral Plains.

Started with a druid main when Luclin was launched. I just remember getting to the mid 40s and hearing about the Elysian drops from the remains in the zone. And then venturing through the scary Maiden's Eye zone alone. After a few deaths, finally making it to UP and then a few more deaths to make it to the remains. And that's when the real fun started.

I've accomplished "much greater things" in EQ since, but nothing will ever replicate the thrill of fighting the skeletons in UP.


Well being a paladin since 1999... I feel like it was a calling and when i picked this class it was natural... tank and healing rolled into one... my guild leader at the time Ssoulswiper required me to camp the dreaded DA hammer for 2 weeks till i got it for rampage tank :-)


Lower Guk, nostalgia favorite. Back when you would claim 2-3 mobs at most and then wait for responds due to 100 people in zone.

Second would have to be Ruins of Illslan, because of how amazing it was to swarm 100 mobs there and PL alts and friends for days.


It's sort of a tie for me between
Kael Drakkel from original Scars of Velious - loved being a halfling with such tall friends
Anywhere in Scars of Velious that I could murder those stupid Coldain dwarves with their Charles Manson wannabe tattoo on their forehead


Started  in Qeynos an still get nostalgic when I hear the music in there. Overall I think Shard's Landing is my favorite due to the ease of getting around the Zone, the quests and the hole in the middle!


Lower Guk (undead side) was my favorite zone - it was fun with Ghoulbane.  Started as a cleric in Qeynos on Luclin server in March 2000. Grouped with some guy and he suggest me to play a paladin after seeing me meleeing mobs. So I rerolled and rest is history.


Good luck to everyone! As someone who has played Paladin for over 20 years (across multiple servers) this would be a fun thing to win!


My favorite zone will always be estate of unrest. I love the zone, the mobs, the lore, how you can go from 10-35 in there, and the old school models of the zombies and skellies i will always love. Brings a lot of nostalgia back to my time when i started playing at 10 years old with my dad.


Unrest as a Paladin, and doing neekid corpse runs from Butcherblock and trying to avoid aqua goblins in Dagnors


As a level 10 dark elf I travel to the field of bone. I had a monk friend who played an iksar. I grew to love the field of bone. I would lev and work my way on top of Kurns tower. I would sit up there on the ledge, and watch the magical sunsets. It is a zone full of beauty and wonder. It was the gateway to 20 years of imagination and adventure for me. The field of bone will always hold a special pace in my heart. When I logged out of everquest in 2008 I logged out sitting on top of Kurns tower in the field of bone. When I logged back in 2020. This is where my adventure began again.

Caolen Lemming
125 Monk


Favorite Zone - Oasis of Marr .. Mostly for the memories of playing there for ages in toons early teens. The crocs, and orcs.. Every so often someone would train out the Spectre...  To many days grinding away in pick up groups trying to get that next yellow.. DING..


My favorite zone in EverQuest is the Kedge Keep. Although it's not the most popular zone, it stands out to me for a few reasons. The underwater environment is unique in comparison to the typical land-based zones, creating a different challenge that requires adapting your playstyle, like managing breathing, movement, and combat. The vertical design and eerie atmosphere, combined with the fact that it's not heavily populated, give it a mysterious and isolated feeling that I always found compelling.

Beyond the mechanics, I also have strong memories of adventuring there with my guild. Because Kedge Keep is one of those lesser-visited zones, it felt like we were exploring something special and off the beaten path. We had a lot of fun overcoming the unusual challenges and, as a team, figuring out how to survive and make it through the zone.


I'm a big fan of Sebilis! I still hop in there to see what's up and run around. There's so much nostalgia of spending evenings there with friends!


Caolen is our big winner for this contest, congrats!

I enjoyed reading every entry, thanks all for entering!
Rorce the Failboat Captain