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November 15, 2022 - Patch 11/16

Started by Riou, November 15, 2022, 04:39:33 PM

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All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 at 6:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 6 hours.

Check this out and more in our EQ Calendar (Be sure to set it to your time zone [in settings on the Calendar] for your times!).

Achievement Changes:
DBStr Changes:
EQStr Changes:
Faction Changes:
Spell Changes:

Update Notes:
November 16, 2022
*** Items ***
- Fixed a client crash when inserting an augment you can't use into an item you are currently wearing on Free Trade servers.
- Shadowsilk Sash has had its spell description fixed.

*** Tradeskills ***
- Recipes should once again award the most significant product(s) before returned components such as tools.

*** Quests & Events ***
- Kill Kangur (Raid) - Altered this event so that the main loot is in a chest that is opened as the last step of the event.
- Primal Vampire (Raid) - Updated the fail chat text to reflect the correct name of the Achievements 'No Ascent' and 'Feastless'.
- Quoth the Raven... - Ravenous gorals will no longer give credit for this quest.   
- The Hero's Journey - Neriak Quests - Death of Lyda Nasin (Achievement) - This achievement has been restored as the target of this quest, Lyda Nasin, can now be found in East Freeport.

*** Spells ***
- Warrior - Altered Determined Reprisal and Wade into Battle to fix a stacking conflict with Spire of the Warlord.
- Rogue - Added Thief's Eyes and Thief's Vision to a stacking group to ensure that lower ranks will not overwrite higher ranks.
- Enchanter - Arcane Disjunction has been adjusted to no longer conflict with the Wizard Class AA, Trifurcating Magic.
- Corrected an issue with the text of the description for Yeti Chill.

*** AA ***
- Magician - Theft of Essence - The proc rate for this ability has been updated to 100%.
- Magician - Elemental Conversion - This has been updated to ignore damage mitigation factors on the pet.
- Magician - Elemental Conversion - Several ranks have been adjusted to consume slightly more pet health while returning slightly more mana.
- Enchanter - Beguiler's Synergy - This will now buff chromatic spells in addition to fire, ice, and magic spells.

*** NPCs ***
- Drifter Minki will now leave the Nexus when he is not needed. Fear not as he will return during the Anniversary.

*** Overseer ***
- Fixed a typo in the Overseer Quest 'Guard the Goods'. 
- Several new event-specific Agents have been added to Overseer, available only during the Frostfell event in December.
- A new line of event-specific Overseer Quests, available at all Overseer levels, are also available for a limited time during Frostfell.
- New achievements, found in the Overseer >> Holiday category, have also been added for completing each of the new Frostfell event Overseer Quests.

*** Miscellaneous ***
- Corrected an issue where a beta copy would not work if the character's name was taken.
- Fixed a zone crash that would rarely happen when moving items in containers.
- Temple of Veeshan will now spawn a pickzone if it reaches 25 players.

*** UI ***
- The Bazaar Search window's platinum column is now right-justified. 

*** Previously Updated ***
- Corrected an issue that was preventing raid currency from being properly awarded after victories in Terror of Luclin raids.
- Treants and Giants in Blightfire Moors should now drop Diseased Ichor during Nights of the Dead.
- Corrected an issue that caused several combat skills to be hidden in the combat skills window.
- Corrected an issue where some tasks did not have a reduced level requirement on level locked servers.

- The EverQuest Team