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Premium Membership

Started by Riou, January 13, 2012, 11:11:26 PM

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EQResource has an automated Premium Membership system set up, you can view this in your forum profile or click the Premium Membership button on the Menu Bar or Click Here. (You must be logged in to the forums to see the actual Premium Membership page)

Premium Memberships use Paypal as payment. They have the option to auto-renew or not.

This process is automated - as soon as the PayPal payment is made you will gain Premium Member access. The only exception is e-checks. Since e-checks take 3-5 days to clear, they do not grant instant access.

You can view the status of your Premium Membership at anytime in your Profile or clicking Premium Membership on the Menu Bar or clicking Here. (You must be logged in to the forums to see the actual Premium Membership page)

Premium Membership grants the following features and perks:
Supporter of EQ Resource.
The Site will go Ad-Free: Enjoy browsing the entire EQ Resource website without any advertisements! You must be logged in for this feature to work.
Gets a Premium Membership only forum section.
Gets a Premium Member forum title.
Gets a Premium Member channel in Discord.
Gets a Special Spot on our
Thanks! page.
Gets to try certain new site features first, before anyone else (such as access to Beta content, or view new content as we build it).
Gets to see Beta Parse Sections (Spells, Achievements, Factions, Items, etc) as long as there is no NDA on Beta.
Gets unlimited search results in our
Items Database
Gets full access to EverQuest
Server Status and Server History data.

Please note the Ad-Free does not apply to our Youtube Videos (As there is no option to do it), as well as the Google powered on site Search Page (though they should be less than what non Premiums get). This applies to most things off-site that we can't control.

If you have any further questions about this, feel free to PM Rorce or myself, or send us a tell in game, cazic.Rorcex or cazic.Theriou, or email us at or