Comments - Older Guides > House of Thule

Abbit's Betrayal


Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page -

Quest Morzad Cheonicle- Abbit's Betrayal-----You Have the "Agent Of Morzad" marked in the incorrect locate for this quest.. He is actually located in the north room at the bottom of the ramp that leads to Morell's Castle, in the same room as "Morzad Watercaster".

Actually, the Agent of Morzad is in the NW corner of the map, in the room at the upper most right corner of the map.


--- Quote from: Noveena on November 09, 2013, 10:59:19 AM ---Quest Morzad Cheonicle- Abbit's Betrayal-----You Have the "Agent Of Morzad" marked in the incorrect locate for this quest.. He is actually located in the north room at the bottom of the ramp that leads to Morell's Castle, in the same room as "Morzad Watercaster".

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Aaikan on August 30, 2015, 08:05:16 PM ---Actually, the Agent of Morzad is in the NW corner of the map, in the room at the upper most right corner of the map.

--- End quote ---

Thanks guys, it's fixed now :)


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