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EverQuest Wall Sign Giveaway - Wizard LED Sign

Started by Rorce, March 07, 2023, 07:21:53 PM

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EQResource Wall Sign Giveaway - Wizard LED Sign

Be sure to read all the rules by clicking here!

This contest is sponsored by Timber & Twine!  Be sure to check out their Etsy shop!

For this contest we want to hear about your most memorable experience playing a Wizard!  Was it clearing Plane of Time for the first time with your guild?  Perhaps finishing your 2.0?  Whatever it was, tell us all about it!  You can include as much or as little detail as you like.  All entries will be randomed on 4/10/2023 to determine a winner.  Good luck!
Rorce the Failboat Captain


Not so much a specific memory...but my wizard (Pugg on Xegony) has really poor luck, and seems to leave himself behind half the time when using the Exodus AA.  I mostly 3 box, and sometimes get myself in trouble... my shaman and ranger get whisked off to the evac point... the poor wizard stays behind and splats :(

Note: I also "entered" on the berzerker thread.  I posted a question as to whether the one entry referred to the entire contest, or to each sign, but have gotten no response.  So, if this is a disallowed 2nd entry, i apologize.


I remember when wizards were good...back with ice comet!


I had a couple of friends that were wizards.  They always bragged about how awesome quad kiting was, and they seemed to have fun!  So I made one.

Needless to say, it was harder than it looked.  Lots of *splat*!


I  have numerous Wizards. No idea why. I just keep making them over and over.  ???


My favorite memories are being trained by people who had sent me tells for TLs and ran to my location, dragging mobs with them because they were not very bright. Usually the next tell was telling them I could TL them at my bind point.


We were in the middle of a Khati Sha fight during raid when I suddenly had my screen freeze and the message saying "Now Entering Acrylia Caverns"...

...because the other wizard in my group had hit the wrong button and Exodus'd us all.


My Google assistant rolled a 7 sided die, it came up a 4.  Congrats Chronatog!
Rorce the Failboat Captain