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Totality of War

Started by Riou, January 22, 2020, 06:10:41 AM

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QuoteSeek an audience with Rallos Zek 0/1 (The Eastern Wastes)

Say 'prepare the way' to get the instance, and 'ready' to zone in

Inside, kill all trash, then kill the corpses attacking the Statue

Duck in front of the statue and Say 'All Hail Rallos Zek!' to it then turn in your earring, not doing this may kill you or fail the task and you must wait 6 hours to re-try

Isn't that in front of rallos zek instead of the statue.

And you can clear trash before entering the arena.


Quote from: Zandy on January 27, 2020, 02:30:16 AM
Isn't that in front of rallos zek instead of the statue.

And you can clear trash before entering the arena.

Thanks, I fixed it


4x Powered Velium and Platinum

Im guessing that should be powdered not powered?


Quote from: svann on February 11, 2020, 09:38:00 AM
4x Powered Velium and Platinum

Im guessing that should be powdered not powered?

Thanks, updated it


Whats the recipe for the Righteous Protector dont list it ?


Quote from: ruetheday69 on February 15, 2020, 10:31:07 PM
Whats the recipe for the Righteous Protector dont list it ?

Don't have that info (all the TS earring quest info was player submitted :) ), as far as I know they are auto learned though


Dont try doing turn in without first killing ALL giants. Just dont.


Duck in front of the Rallos Zek and Say 'All Hail Rallos Zek!' to it then turn in your earring, not doing this may kill you or fail the task and you must wait 6 hours to re-try

Do NOT do this. He just reset into a non-targetable form and failed the task with 6 hour lockout. Just do what the quest says and ignore the advice.


As a correction to what I posted below, the quest bugged out and he despawned with no giants alive when I said "all hail rallos zek" first. In order to get it to work, I had to attempt to turn in the earring, then say "all hail rallos zek" (for him to say he ignores you), then turn in again.

On the other hand, if you say the prompt to live Rallos Zek when other giants are alive, they will all be summoned to you, he will despawn and you ultimately fail the mission.


If you have done the audience mission with someone else already, you skip it, and the Crusader will anoint your ore for you.

If you happen to fail the final combine for the Righteous Ear, and lose that anointed ore, the TS combine to generate the ore auto creates the anointed version. With the text "Rallos Zek's approval persists and you create an Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum.


After the instance and talking to Crusader one last time I learned the following recipes (ignoring quest items):
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Assault!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Stealth!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Strategy!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Fortification!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Defence!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Attacker!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Assaulting Ice!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Defending Ice!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Ventral Defense!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Dorsal Defense!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Casting Ice!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Protecting Ice!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Soothing!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Warding Ice!
You have learned the recipe Rallos Zek Devotee's Enhancement!


The final text for the recipe

Crusader Vraket says, 'Enhance your blooded wrathful earring of Rallos Zek by melting the anointed purified velium-platinum into a ring on top of an appropriate emblem then douse it with two vials of purified mana and cool it with two ice of Velious. If you wish to progress this earring further, after you blood it, you must become a conqueror.'

The recipe is
Blooded Wrathful earring of Rallos Zek
Purified Velium-platinum
2 ice of velious
2 vials of purified mana
1 emblem of (composite, medicant, assaulter, protector ect)




I just did the mission step of the Totality of War quest,

What you have to do is

1. Kill all the giants in the zone that are not attacking the Statue of Rallos Zek. The giants are all in and around the arena area.

2. One giant roams in the building that leads down to the arena kill him too then move into the arena to get the task update.

3. Kill the Giants that are attacking the Statue of Rallos Zek. After that Rallos Zek himself will spawn.

4. a. kneel down and target Rallos Zek, b. say 'all hail Rallos Zek'(just hailing him will lead to a DT), c. give him your earring, d. when you get it back, give him the ore.

*****Important to Note: If you just give Rallos Zek your earring without kneeling or saying 'all hail Rallos Zek' he will ignore you, if giants are up he will summon them to you and despawn when you say 'all hail Rallos Zek' while kneeling.

5. Talk to the Crusader in EW

6. Make the Earring in a jewelery Table, Crusader Vraket gives you the recipe.


Anyone know what the trivial on the earring combine is? Did everything but not letting me do the final combine.


The Recipe text for the final earring is " Acquire a heart shard of the statue of Rallos Zek. With this, enhance your blooded righteous earring of Rallos Zek by merging the heart shard of the statue into the earring with an appropriate emblem then douse it with two vials of purified mana and cool it with two ice of velious."

2 ice of velious
2 vials of purified mana
1 emblem of (composite for rangers)
Heart Shard (drop off AoW)
Blooded Righteous Earring
Creates Endowed Composite Earring of Rallos Zek


So, followed the instructions to a "T" - even copied the text from this line directly and pasted into the game:
Duck in front of the Rallos Zek and Say 'All Hail Rallos Zek!' to it, then turn in your earring, then turn in the ore.
I ducked, did /say All Hail Rallos Zek! and he did nothing/said nothing. I went and gave him my earring which he handed back with the text "Rallos Zek ignores you"
I am like Hmmm.
Gave him the ore anyway. He again gives it back with a 'Ralloz Zek ignores you' (I am still ducked btw)
I went back and re-read everything. Triple checked that all the mobs were dead (they were). I read a post where someone typed it slightly differently /say all hail Rallos Zek (without the ! and A is not capital nor is H. Made sure I was ducked, then said "all hail Ralloz Zek" and he despanwed into a NPC who attacked. Great. 6 hr lockout. Any clue anyone?


So, the recipe (Righteous Mendicant's Earring of Rallos Zek - CLR) takes 2 vials of purified mana, 2 ice of Velious, your old blooded earring, your anointed bar, and the Emblem of the mendicant. (You do NOT use your class symbol)

AND to save you all the hassle I went through, do NOT use experiment - search the jewelry table for Righteous and the recipe is already there. Click and make this using the known recipe - if you try to use it by experiment it will fail even if you use the correct ingredients. That piece of information took me FOREVER to figure out. /grrrrrrr


2 players do the Kael mission, both on the same step.

Player A does the kneel, turn in of earring and ore.

Player A and Player B receive updates. Player B has no anointed version of the bar.

Player A and Player B both hail Crusader, as instructed by the task. Both are instructed to make the earring.

Player A can make the earring, with the anointed bar. Player B cannot, with no anointed bar. Crusader Vraket will not exchange or anoint the crafted version. The task is stuck as there is no more chance to do the Rallos mission. A petition was set in to the GMs to resolve this.

Quote from: Infidel on February 27, 2020, 12:36:42 AM
If you have done the audience mission with someone else already, you skip it, and the Crusader will anoint your ore for you.

If you happen to fail the final combine for the Righteous Ear, and lose that anointed ore, the TS combine to generate the ore auto creates the anointed version. With the text "Rallos Zek's approval persists and you create an Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum.

I am unsure what you may have done to have the Crusader swap our the ore for you. Is it because My first time doing it was when I also needed it, and thus I am stuck with no anointment?


QuoteSeek an audience with Rallos Zek 0/1 (The Eastern Wastes)
Say 'prepare the way' to get the instance, and 'ready' to zone in

Inside, kill all trash, including ones in the Arena area, then kill the corpses attacking the Statue

Duck in front of the Rallos Zek and Say 'All Hail Rallos Zek!' to it, then turn in your earring, then turn in the ore

Not doing this may kill you or fail the task and you must wait 6 hours to re-try

Please get rid of the reference to Say "All Hail Rallos Zek!" This fails the event. Take it out. How many people are failing this task because of it. Just hand in the Ear


Quote from: krushor on July 28, 2020, 03:21:43 AM
Please get rid of the reference to Say "All Hail Rallos Zek!" This fails the event. Take it out. How many people are failing this task because of it. Just hand in the Ear
I'm an idiot. If Avatar of War despawns when you say All hail rallos zek most likely there was a Mob still up somewhere. So handing in the ear wont work until you have ducked and said All hail ralloz zek.
Just triple check that there isnt a mob somewhere before doing the hand in.


BTW, you have to have FINISHED all the ToV Hunters to even GET this quest. ARGH! Another grind...


Yeah let me tell you the dumb ness of this quest... so if you dont clear arena out all mobs teleport on top of you and kill you, make sure you get 3 or so ores purified by rallos because you can fail this combine.


There have been some changes to this quest in the past couple years (just in case of doing it as a secondary player or failures).

If you go on the Audience mission, but do not kneel and talk to Rallos Zek in the instance, you still get "flagged."

When you try to request Audience at that point (say "prepare the way"), you will get any Purified Velium-Platinum Bar in your inventory turned into Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum Bar by Crusader Vraket.

This is what he says when you try to request the mission:
Crusader Vraket says, 'Ah. You went with another who had an audience. You will find that that audience counts, and in the future you will create Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum Bars.'

If you fail the final earring combine, when you do the combine for a new Purified Velium-Platinum Bar you will get an Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum Bar instead of the plain one.

Along with this text:
Rallos Zek's approval persists and you create an Anointed Purified Velium-Platinum Bar.