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November 29, 2022 - Night of Shadows Launch Patch 12/6

Started by Riou, November 29, 2022, 03:36:07 PM

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All EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Tuesday, December 6, 2022 at 6:00 AM PT* for an update. Downtime is expected to last approximately 6 hours.

Check this out and more in our EQ Calendar (Be sure to set it to your time zone [in settings on the Calendar] for your times!).

Achievement Changes:
DBStr Changes:
EQStr Changes:
Faction Changes:
Spell Changes:

Update Notes:
December 6, 2022
*** Highlights ***
*** Night of Shadows ***
Welcome to EverQuest: Night of Shadows, the 29th expansion for EverQuest!
Norrathians have ended the conflict between Mayong Mistmoore and Luclin herself, but can they relax their vigilance? The recent attention of Luclin has emboldened the Akheva, and they continue their plans to conquer the moon!
As war rages across the surface of Luclin, disaster has befallen Shadow Haven deep below. The mysterious sealed door has been smashed open, and the great spirit trapped behind it has rampaged through the city, leaving death and destruction before retreating to the unknown caverns it escaped from. What maddened the spirits? How can the Akheva be stopped? Can Shar Vahl survive as war threatens to engulf the city? The truth lies in the shadows -- will you survive to find it?
- Learn new spells, combat abilities, and Alternate Abilities.
- Find new items and learn new tradeskill recipes.
- Explore seven new zones.
- Participate in new raids and quests.
- Complete new achievements.
- Enter Firefall Pass through a new passageway in Umbral Plains opened by the moonquake.
- Store and use tradeskill components like never before with the new Tradeskill Component Depot. See details below.

*** Items ***
- Merchant Olwen in Western Wastes no longer has quantity restrictions on oranges, limes, lemons, or medicinal herbs.
- Corrected an issue that prevented the Journeyman's Compass from gaining additional progress.
- Potion Merchants that sell distillate potions now offer XX and XXI versions.
- Royal Antonican Weapon Ornament Pack now stacks to 20.

*** Quests & Events ***
- The Kar`Zok (Raid): Restored the missing currency reward to this event.
- Updated the "Master of" text to correctly reflect what is needed to complete the achievements for the following expansions:
- - Veil of Alaris
- - The Ring of Scale
- - The Burning Lands
- - Torment of Velious

*** Spells ***
- Updated the description for all ranks of Enhanced Minion so that they indicate the levels they affect.

*** AA ***
- Wizard - Destructive Adept - Increased the percentage damage modifier at all ranks, up to 160% at max rank.
- Renamed the following AAs to Innate Prowess and moved to the Archetype tab:
- - Berserker - Innate Rage - Increased the percentage damage modifier at ranks 18/19/20 to 100/110/120.
- - Beastlord - Innate Fury - Increased the percentage damage modifier at ranks 19/20 to 100/110.
- - Monk - Innate Innerflame - Increased the percentage damage modifier at ranks 19/20 to 100/110.
- - Ranger - Innate Natureblade - Increased the percentage damage modifier at ranks 19/20 to 90/100.
- - Rogue - Innate Duelist - Increased the percentage damage modifier at ranks 19/20 to 100/110.
- - Bard - Innate Songblade
- - Paladin - Innate Holyblade
- - Shadow Knight - Innate Darkblade
- - Warrior - Innate Fellstrike
- Enhanced Decay (and equivalent) AAs have slowly but surely increased DoT damage at an untenable rate, leading us into a situation where DoTs are outperforming just about everything else in far more scenarios than intended. We've adjusted these AAs to ensure that they can continue to receive healthy upgrades for the foreseeable future.
- Made the following additional changes to the below AAs: renamed to Enhanced Ruin, moved to the Archetype tab, and updated the minimum duration value in the description of all ranks to be in seconds instead of ticks.
- - Druid - Enhanced Maladies - Reduced the percentage damage bonus from 36 seconds worth of increased damage to 32 seconds at max rank.
- - Enchanter - Enhanced Torment - Increased the percentage damage bonus for DoTs with a minimum duration of 36+ seconds to match the indicated seconds worth of increased damage at all ranks.
- - Necromancer - Enhanced Decay - Reduced the percentage damage bonus from 41 seconds worth of increased damage to 38 seconds at max rank.
- - - Note, the display value for this AA at max rank inaccurately indicated that it provided a damage bonus equivalent to 56 seconds worth of damage when it actually capped at 41 seconds at the specified minimum DoT duration.
- - Shadow Knight - Enhanced Decay - Reduced the percentage damage bonus from 38 seconds worth of increased damage to 34 seconds at max rank.
- - - Note, the display value for this AA at max rank inaccurately indicated that it provided a damage bonus equivalent to 48 seconds worth of damage when it actually capped at 38 seconds at the specified minimum DoT duration.
- - Shaman - Enhanced Pestilence - Reduced the percentage damage bonus at ranks 8-10 to match the indicated seconds worth of increased damage.

*** NPCs ***
- Corrected an issue where NPCs (such as raid chests) could only hold 36 items.

*** Miscellaneous ***
- Added the Personal Tradeskill Depot:
- - With the purchase of the new expansion your account will gain a Tradeskill Component Depot that comes with 250 - 490 slots (depending on the expansion edition purchased) for stacks of different tradeskill items. You can purchase additional slots via the marketplace.
- - Each slot ignores the standard stack sizes and can hold up to 99,999 of an item.
- - To withdraw or deposit items from/to your Personal Tradeskill Depot, you'll need to be at a bank. However, you can consume items from anywhere as long as you have Personal Depot checked in the Tradeskill Window.
- - - You will only be able to deposit stackable tradeskill items that are not attunable, temporary, lore, no trade (and also not heirloom), containers, or no storage.
- - Items in your Personal Tradeskill Depot can only be used in normal tradeskill combines. You cannot experiment using your depot, the items must be in your inventory.
- - Your Personal Depot can only contain a single stack of each item. For example, if you have 99,999 Cup of Flour in your Personal Depot, you will not be able to deposit any more.
- - All characters on an account on the same server will share the same Personal Tradeskill Depot, much like the shared bank. When a character is transferred to a different server, their Personal Depot will not be included.
- - Updated /outputfile inventory to include items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot if it is loaded (either by opening it at a bank or using it for tradeskill combines).

*** UI ***
- The atlas now correctly displays Luclin in space instead of in the ocean.
- The Tradeskill Window now has a checkbox to consume items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot. When checked, it will pull items from your Personal Tradeskill Depot before pulling from your inventory.
- Added a button to view your Personal Tradeskill Depot from the Tradeskill Window. You will only be able to view items this way, you'll need to open it from a bank to withdraw or deposit items.

- Added -

- Changed -

*** Previously Updated ***
- Corrected an issue that caused mercenaries to not receive the correct focus equipment which could result in them being underpowered.

- The EverQuest Team