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Come visit Zombo's Zany Manor

Started by Vlad Diszno, October 26, 2019, 08:31:59 AM

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Vlad Diszno

Happy Halloween!
I've just finished a new Halloween/Nights of the Dead themed house and invite all to come visit.
The address is:
Colonial Island,
106 Park Circle
Owner: Zombo
Make sure you have particles on to see it as is intended.
Turning off NPC names is preferable also.

Unfortunately, the candy dish is being hogged and protected by Thing, so visitors cannot get candy. Sorry!
I had to turn off interaction w/ items to guarantee pets will stay at their posts.

Use the command /leaverealestate to exit.

Oh, while you are in the neighborhood, please berate those hooligans hanging around at 101 Market Street!

Other older places that might be of interest:
Note: turning NPC and Pet names off is preferable on all these properties
Also, to get out of a lot of the properties and stay in the neighborhood: (EQ button- Real Estate- Leave Real Estate) or type /leaverealestate

Storming Frankengnome's Castle
101 Market Heights
owner: Frankengnome
Unfortunately, large races cannot get to every room inside as the architect and builder was a wee person. So shrink em if you can.
If I have any player characters up and standing/spinning around, please inspect them. Their descriptions may help move further and hopefully add to the overall experience.
In case no characters are up to assist you, the entry to the castle is the exposed part of the bixie hive inside the well. Right click deep inside the well and choose-Enter
Once you get in, you'll have to find which wall is climbable.(I've disabled the trampoline so that pets inside cannot be tampered with. Those rascals can be so hard to track down.)
You will need to use the command /leaverealestate to exit the house.

The Lair
104 Park Circle
owner: Piroska
There are some skellie arms that are around to help guide/point you to the entrance of the house.

Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun
102 Market Heights
owner: Levente
Currently yard only

The Funeral Chapel
102 Park Circle
owner: Levente
Use exposed part of bixie hive in doorway to enter.
You will need to wriggle a bit to get through the waterfall curtain before the main room. Just primarily face the room when wriggling. Works for an assortment of characters I have tried, so hopefully it won't hold anyone back.
Use /leaverealestate to exit.

graveyard adjoining the above chapel
101 Park Circle
owner: Ravasz

Dead Man's Party
103 Park Circle
owner: Halloween
Inspect the Doorman, if he is up.

The Cavern Cinema
105 Park Circle
Owner: Miszt

Enter by right clicking and choosing Enter on the exposed part of then bixie hive that is a small gold pad on the floor right in front of the ticket booth.
There is more inside than just the room w/ the carousel of movie dioramas, you just have to find the hidden entrance that leads to the screening room, the projection room, and the arcade.

If you want to challenge yourself to find it, skip the next sentence.
Go through the triangle on back wall and turn immediately left or right-right leads you to projection, screening, then arcade rooms, left leads 1st to arcade, screening, then projection rooms.

Use the command /leaverealestate to exit.

That's all I got that one might argue is more or less Halloween themed. Actually, tis almost all I have that is in a state of completion.
Happy Trick-or-Treating!

And for those that are already into the next big holiday:

Who Saves Santugg?!
(think I'll stick w/ this new name)
108 Park Circle
owner: Meisterburger

Entry via the exposed part of bixie hive in doorway.
Use /leaverealestate to exit.

I hope you enjoy your visits