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August 30, 2011 - News Update

Started by Rorce, August 30, 2011, 04:20:34 PM

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Patch on August 31, 2011 - All EverQuest Live Servers will be coming down on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 at 6:00 am US Pacific (US Pacifc-PST is -8 GMT: 7:00 am MST, 8:00 am CST, 9:00 am EST, 2:00 pm GMT, 15:00 CET) for a emergency maintenance. The servers are estimated to be unavailable for approximately 2 hours.

VoA Pre-Launch Extension - Looks like SOE will be extending the VoA Pre-Launch missions due to the bug I posted. The missions will be available until September 6th.

Double EXP Weekend - SOE has announced that they will be running another Double EXP Weekend for this labor day weekend! Be sure to take advantage of it!

Double Station Cash - They also announced they will be running a Double Station Cash promotion from Sept 2-5! This bonus applies to Game Cards, Credit Card purchases, and PayPal purchases. Does not apply to sms purchases.

Alot going on this weekend in EverQuest, I hope most of you get to take the time to enjoy it! Check back here soon for information about a contest we plan on running, with EverQest Game Cards as rewards!
Rorce the Failboat Captain